
   Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman's period

    To most people PMS is just a myth and something girls make up to justify their bitchy attitude while on their period. I, as a woman, would like to squish this stupid myth. Having a period is not easy and can't just ignore everything. I hate that it's still considered taboo to talk about it and have men understand it. I remember when I was in 6th grade and they decided to show us the "puberty" videos, they separated boys and girls then each watched their corresponding video. Why? I think it would have been better for it to be all together, to understand the human body both female and male bodies. Only till high school would it be allowed for us to understand each other, if that's true then why show the video to 6th graders in the first place? If they had questions then they could ask their parents. 

     Menstruation is a interesting and horrible thing that needs to be talked about. Men think it's easy and nothing when in reality it's the opposite. They only see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the affects it causes. It comes with cramps, cravings, acne, breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, change of mood, high and low sex drive, your clothes fit differently, as well as the constant fear that you have bled through your pants. For many having your period limits the things you can do such as swimming, exerting, sex, not being able to wear certain clothes, and many other simple things. As a girl who has terrible periods I can say that it isn't a breeze. My mood changes and I get angry at little things for no reason and I can't help it. My weight changes and I am very aware of it and I feel like crap and hate myself for it. I can't have fun because of the possibilities of having cramps that for me are extreme and can last from a few hours to days. Not to mention the flow, for me is very heavy for 5 to 6 days of my 7 day menstruation.

     Women have these every month, granted some women have it better than others and don't experience these symptoms, but about a majority of women all around the world have to live with this. Even though we are faced with these problems we still get up each day and power through them when all we want is a warm bed, tea, and a good movie or book. I think women are the most fascinating and strongest thing on this planet. We power through terrible pain, get discriminated against but fight back, carry a baby for 9 months and give birth and so many other incredible things. I think it's unfair for periods to be taboo and shunned away when it should be taught and accepted. It would be nice for women not to be afraid to ask for a tampon or pads, for men to not be so embarrassed to get those feminine products or just being kind and understanding towards women during this time. Perhaps if women talk about it more and have it become a normal thing than maybe having them wont be so bad. So many young girls have them for the first time and are confused and worried as to what it is, what to do and are unprepared or for some want to have them, for some reason. If they are taught more about them before getting it or right when it happens then it would be easier for them to get use to it and make their life a lot easier dealing with it. If I had been taught more back when I got it at like 14 or 13 or knew what I knew now than boy would it have been different, less frustrating and no embarrassing moments.


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